Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Long Ways to Go Part X

We found a nice little spot to rest for a few days.  On the third day, just at dawn, I was on watch for what I didn’t know.  There hadn’t been any animals, birds or any signs of life that I could see.  Uncle told me to just yell if I saw any movement at all.  So, I yelled when a shadow glided into the clearing.  A big shadow that circled.  By the time it landed, Uncle was holding a spear ready.  The shadow warbled in the same manner that Petra did.
I wasn’t zactly relieved when Uncle and Petra greeted the shadow.  Uncle motioned me to pick up the bag that I never even seen drop.  Twasn’t that far from me either.  Hoo, I needed sleep.  With the three of us, one being sick, twas hard to stay awake when sleep was always being interrupted.  And the gabbling coming from those two.  Something was up.
Sure enough.  We needed to leave right away.  Some of the stuff in the bag had come loose.  I shoved them back.  I was tying it up when I saw this little piece of shiny stuff.  Not being one to consider what might happen, I reached to pick it up.
“No.  Don’t touch”
Too late.  I touched the thing and tried to let it go.  I couldn’t move.  Pain shot through my hand all the way to my head.  Light exploded.  Then dark.  When I woke up a bit later, Petra was moving my arms.  It hurt.  That was what woke me up.  Pain in my head.  I groaned.  Trying to talk hurt.
“One needs to be a bit more careful here.  You’re lucky that was just a little piece of the Mother’s Blood.  It’s used to treat wounds.  It causes them if one doesn’t know how to use it.”  Uncle handed me some water.  “We’ll have to hurry.  The Enemy is much closer now.  Petra can’t fly for a couple more days.  You’ll have to walk between us for a bit.”
I tried to nod my head.  Pain was not as bad.  When I sat up, I saw the other creature, the dragon.  I got chills running up and down my spine.  Seeing two of them towering over me had those chills chasing each other all through my body.  Least I didn’t shout, okay, okay.  Scream with the terror that wanted to bubble up through my already hurting brain.
I managed to walk for a few miles.  Then we reached the cave where we would spend the next couple days.  Big problem.  We’d need to be carried to the top of the cliffs.  My skin was crawling with the chills going up and down my back.  Petra’s mate stared at me with those curious eyes they had.  No, I never did know her name.  It was too hard to say.  When I stood long enough on my own, she swooped over and picked me up.  I was too startled to do anything but hang on.
Seeing the ground rush away from me was petrifying.  Uncle and Petra looked very tiny.  She back-winged, warbled, and set me down as best she could.  Yeah, yeah.  I was hanging on to her with all the strength I had.  There was a distinct glint of humor in those eyes.  I realized she’d be laughing if I didn’t let go.  Sure was glad Uncle was still at the bottom of the cliff.  He’d most likely laugh too.  Weell, she pushed me towards the cave opening and dropped out of my sight.  I resisted the urge to watch her.  I was dizzy enough.
As soon as I got into the dark coolness of the cave, my head didn’t hurt quite so bad.  I closed my eyes and relaxed against the wall.  By the time the rest were inside the cave, I was having a hard time staying awake.

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