Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Intermission on The Storykeeper

When is the best time to tell a story?  Why, when everyone is ready, of course.  I've taken some time to finish out the stories.  The best time of year is coming up.  Winter, time to dive under the blankets, have a cup of your favorite beverage, maybe a snack or two.

I will be finishing out "Long Ways to Go."  The next installment will start tomorrow.  I post links to my posts over to my Facebook Page as well as Goggle+. If you'd like to keep up with the stories, like my page on Facebook.  Hit the follow button on Google+.

All the stories will be roughly 7000 words or thereabouts.  And the posts themselves will be about 300 to 600 words, hopefully, a length compatible with the mobile capabilities.  I haven't used this method of communication, so keep in mind:  I'm learning.  Miigwetch.

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ChiMiigwetch. Thanks for visiting.