Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Long Ways to Go Part V

The sight of those creatures was enough to make me sit still.  Very still.  Almost couldn’t breathe.  Not out of fear, mind you.  No siree.  I had to move my eyes very carefully over to the side, where the trees were.  Cause the sight brought out the laughter inside.  Made it want to explode out of my mouth.
Two youngsters.  They was both bigger than me but I could tell they were babies.  Barely walking and talking.  For one thing, that mask kept sliding down and covering the rest of  the long body.  The hands at the end of short arms kept pushing it back up? Well, they were blue.
And the other thing, those claws?  Well the body attached to them were hopping from one to the other.   And for sure, those had some wicked looking points on the end.  I surely wasn’t going to catch their attention by laughing.  No siree. I slid my eyes back hoping I could find a way out of there.
Bout the time I had to take a breath, that mask fell off the child and landed pretty close to those dangerous looking claws.  I kept my eyes glued to the mask.  Surely, they’d  be too busy to notice if I moved up to the next branch?  My heart sank when that fish started clicking and clacking once more.
I kept moving, expecting those claws to be grabbing me.  I made it up a couple more branches and looked down.  Those two creatures were trying to get that mask on the child’s face.  I started to smile.  That did it.  I laughed.  And laughed. And couldn’t even stop when two heads turned to peer up at me.
The next thing was, I saw two more of the bird creatures land next to the child.  That sobered me up some, it surely did.  Tried to get myself up at least one more branch.  That limb didn’t look like it would hold the weight if any of them tried to land.  One good thing, least I was high enough to see the land around me.  Whereupon, I settled down to ponder a way out of the situation.
That fish was clickclacking again.  I could see the sun flashing off the water from the tail strikes further downstream.  I looked toward the bank I had fallen down.  That top was so high, I most fell trying to see it. Then I spotted the bridge I was heading for this morning.  It was no closer and I couldn’t see a way to get there.   Now what?

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